YDY - 2D/UI/HUD Assets

I've been attached to a single, long-running client project since about February 2022, as part of a small team responsible for creating a fitness game/app ( https://www.ydylife.com/ ), which finally released publicly over the summer.

On the team, I am the only Artist, so I've been responsible for wearing many hats - creating all of the Avatar Models (as well as handling all of the rigging), Accessories, Levels, Particle FX, Shaders, and 2D/UI/HUD Elements; it's been a lot of work, but also very rewarding.

In-Game HUD

Heart Rate Monitor Bar: v01 Concepts

Heart Rate Monitor Bar: v01 Concepts

Heart Rate Monitor Bar: v02 Concepts

Heart Rate Monitor Bar: v02 Concepts

Heart Rate Monitor Bar

Heart Rate Monitor Bar

Early UI/HUD Bar Concepting

Early UI/HUD Bar Concepting

Interval Distance Bar

Interval Distance Bar

Level Up Progress Bar

Level Up Progress Bar

Level Up Progress Bar and Overlay

HUD Panel: Elapsed Time

HUD Panel: Elapsed Time

Pause Button

Pause Button

Emote Button

Emote Button

Incoming Projectile Warning (concepting)

Incoming Projectile Warning (concepting)

Incoming Projectile Warning (Animated UI Asset)

Emoticons (pt 1)

Emoticons (pt 1)

Emoticons (pt 2)

Emoticons (pt 2)

(Hey, if the client requests a Poo emoji, you may as well make it look as good as possible)

(Hey, if the client requests a Poo emoji, you may as well make it look as good as possible)